Cookie authentication method and OAuth authentication method can be used as authentication methods for IM-Workflow REST API provided as standard from intra-mart Accel Platform, but OAuth authentication method must be used when calling from an external system.
In addition, Cookie authentication method is an authentication method that is supposed to be called from the screen created on intra-mart Accel Platform.
First, please refer to the following document for details of IM-Workflow REST API.
intra-mart Accel Platform IM-Workflow specifications 6.1. REST API
In the OAuth authentication method, it is necessary to acquire an access token according to the determined procedure before calling the REST API.
Please refer to the following document for how to call from an external system using the OAuth authentication method.
If you consider access with Basic authentication, please refer to the following FAQ.
-- Target ----------------------------------------------------------------------
iAP/Accel Platform/2020 Summer or later