{^IM_URL^} and {^Matter_Detail_URL^} are replaced with the URL containing the BaseURL.
The base URL in conf/server-context-config.xml is used for emails run from jobs and asynchronous processes, such as auto-reminder emails.
Due to the above specifications, in environments where multiple BaseURLs are used, it may be replaced with a link containing an unintended BaseURL.
Environments that use multiple base URLs include the following cases.
・ BaseUrlProvider is implemented to dynamically determine the BaseURL.
・ A different BaseURL is set for each tenant in the system administrator’s "System environment construction" - "Tenant management" - "Tenant environment information" tab - "BaseURL".
As mentioned above, in the environment where multiple BaseURLs are used, the following replacement string that does not include the base URL in the email of IM-Workflow is used.
・ {^IM_URL_No_BaseURL^} is used instead of {^IM_URL^}.
・ {^Matter_Detail_URL_No_BaseURL^} is used instead of {^Matter_Detail_URL^}.
[Email template description format]
・ %Used BaseURL fixed characters%{^IM_URL_No_BaseURL^}
・ %Used BaseURL fixed characters%{^Matter_Detail_URL_No_BaseURL^}
[Email template description example]
For tenants using https://example.com/imart for the BaseURL
・ https://example.com/imart{^IM_URL_No_BaseURL^}
・ https://example.com/imart{^Matter_Detail_URL_No_BaseURL^}
[Reference documents]
■ intra-mart Accel Platform IM-Workflow specifications - Detail specifications - Notification (message definition) - Message replacement string - intra-mart URL replacement - intra-mart URL not including BaseURL
■ intra-mart Accel Platform IM-Workflow specifications - Detail specifications - Notification (email / IMBox definition) - Mail / IMBox replacement string - intra-mart URL replacement - intra-mart URL not including BaseURL
[Reference blogs]
■ How to dynamically determine BaseURL from request information to WebServer
■ How to resolve each tenant from multiple BaseURLs
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