Some plug-ins have been removed due to the upgrade of Eclipse, which is the platporm.
The following are the removed plug-ins and the impact of the removal:
・Checkstyle: The source code Style Check function is no longer available.
・color theme: The e Builder background and text color theme can no longer be specified.
・Findbugs: The source code can no longer be parsed and its potential bug can no longer be detected.
・JUnit Helper: The function for creating JUnit test case templates is no longer available.
・m2e connector for build-helper: The extension for m2e connectors is no longer available.
・propedit: This is a plugin for editing a property file. "Kantan Properties Editor " has been installed instead.
・Spring Tool Suite (STS): The function for SpringFramework-based development is no longer available.
・Workspace Preference Transferrer: The setting information for the current workspace cannot be inherited when creating a new workspace.
・IM-Juggling: Creation of IM-Juggling projects is no longer possible.
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iAP/Accel Extensions/intra-mart e Builder for Accel Platform/2023 Autumn or later
In intra-mart e Builder for Accel Platform 2023 Autumn or later, some plug-ins are removed.