mjob_qrtz_scheduler_state is a table used internally by the system. Its detailed specifications are not disclosed.
This table saves the status of the job scheduler service running on each server.
It periodically writes information about the status of the job scheduler service internally to the system.
The timing of writing is uncontrollable and cannot be changed by settings or other means.
Specifically, it periodically writes information such as "when and which server's job scheduler service is running".
If this information is used for alive monitoring and any server is not written, it is determined that the server may have stopped and recovery process is performed.
[About deleting records]
If any record does not exist on the table, a new record will be created, so there is no problem in deleting records.
Please stop Resin before deleting a record.
*If you have a cluster configuration, please stop all Resins.
[About backup]
As mentioned above, while Resin is running, data is written to the corresponding table periodically.
Please stop Resin before back up.
*If you have a cluster configuration, please stop all Resins.
For information on backups, please also refer to the following document:
■ intra-mart Accel Platform Setup Guide - Appendix - Backup/Restore (Restore)
iAP/Accel Platform/All Updates
What is the imjob_qrtz_scheduler_state table?