[Occurrence conditions]
When using Google Chrome 125 or Microsoft Edge 125 or later as browser, the following issue occurs in the route designer for route definitions.
- When moving a node, the node does not follow the cursor.
- When moving a node, the lines connecting the nodes are not calculated.
- Operating MouseDown -> move your cursor -> mouseup on the node does not release a click state.
- On the route edit screen of the workflow management screen of AccelStudio, it cannot be resized with the node setting resize bar, or it cannot be resized smoothly.
This is because the Chromium specifications have been changed.
Prior to version 125, it was possible to prevent text selection and drag-and-drop by canceling the mousemove event.
This is because the above operation cannot be done due to the specification change.
This can be avoided by embedding the following code:
Please take appropriate one depending on the function you are using.
・ Target
・ (1) Route definition -> Version -> Route detail tab
・ (2) BIS definition -> Route definition -> Version -> Route detail tab
・ (3) AccelStudio Application Management -> Workflow -> Edit Route
・ Correspondence
1. Add the following two functions to the bottom of the file:
IMWToolbarEvent.prototype.onDragStartNode = function(e) {
e = initEvent(e);
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
IMWWorkEvent.prototype.onDragStartNode = function(e) {
e = initEvent(e);
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
2. Please add "node.ondragstart = events.onDragStartNode;" to the IMWWork.prototype.addNode function.
node.ondragfinish = events.onDragFinishNode;
+ node.ondragstart = events.onDragStartNode;
node.style.height = node.offset_h + "px";
3.1 Please take the following measures for files (1) and (2).
Please add "node.ondragstart = events.onDragStartNode;" to the IMWToolbar.prototype.addNode function.
node.onmouseout = events.onMouseOutNode;
+ node.ondragstart = events.onDragStartNode;
this.nodes[prop.type] = td;
3.2 Please take the following measures for the file (3).
Please add "tr.ondragstart = events.onDragStartNode;" to the IMWToolbar.prototype.addNode function.
tr.onmouseover = events.onMouseOverNode;
tr.onmouseout = events.onMouseOutNode;
+ tr.ondragstart = events.onDragStartNode;
[Handling method]
Due to Chromium specifications, the program will be modified on the product side.
Related Requirement: Requirement [37603] Improves the phenomenon of poor operability in the route editing screen due to the specification change in Chrome and Edge version 125.
The fixed version is as follows.
intra-mart Accel Platform 2023 Autumn (Patch applied)
intra-mart Accel Platform 2024 Spring (Patch applied)
intra-mart Accel Platform 2024 Autumn or later
iAP/Accel Platform/All Updates
Route designer for route definitions does not work properly in Google Chrome 125 and Microsoft Edge 125 or later.