For trial license of IM-ContentsSearch, you can still use without problem after its expiration date.
*IM-ContentsSearch for Accel Platform
You can log in to the system even if it has expired
However, the trial license limits the number of contents (Index) that can be registered for searching target to 20,000.
If the number of registered contents exceeds 20,000, a license error occurs during further registration processing and it cannot be registered.
This restriction is removed by registering an unrestricted license, which unlimits the number of content that can be registered.
Please check the release notes for each version of IM-ContentsSearch for details.
Accel series:
[Target Products]
IM-ContentsSearch for Accel Platform
IM-ContentsSearch Version 7.2
IM-ContentsSearch Version 7.1
-- Target ------------------------------------------------------------------------
iAP/Accel Platform/All Updates
iWP/Web System Construction Platform/WebPlatform/AppFramework