When you log in with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11 on Microsoft Windows 10, the following error screen might be displayed.
"HTTP 403: You do not have permission to display this screen."
We have verified that this can occur if the following conditions are met.
・Client (browser) environment
・Using Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11 on Microsoft Windows 10
・Server environment
・The application server is configured to return requests for static files (Not using commercial Web servers).
Cookie becomes an invalid value when requesting favicon.ico to the application server.
·We have confirmed that this can be avoided by returning a static file including favicon.ico to the Web server without going through the application server.
·Enabling protected mode in Internet Explorer (IE) might prevent the event.
·The protection mode can be set from "Security" tab of "Internet Options" in Internet Explorer (IE).
*For operational environment use, make sure to connect to the Web Application Server via the Web Server.
Static content must be placed on a Web server.
Inappropriate connection is out of the behavior warranty (Not Supported).
Resin httpd function is for development (e Builder).
This content is described in the release notes.
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