For all the products of our company, symptom of the status which cannot communicate intermittently with ServerManager/ServicePlatform operates on server which executes teaming when the redundancy of NIC is executed for teaming which prepared multiple network interface card (NIC) and teaming which uses NIC that has multiple ports for 1. Large number of sequential logs like the following example will be output.
On ServicePlatform
Received request: Thread[](FQDN)/(IP)
Received request: Thread[](FQDN)/(IP)
Network connection I/O error: Thread[] (Port)/IP
Network Connection close -> (IP/FQDN):(Port)
Received request: Thread[] from (Port)/ID
Network Connection close -> (IP/FQDN):(Port)
Destroy request receiver: Thread[Thread-196,5,main]
from IP
Network Connection close -> (IP/FQDN):(Port)
Network Connection open -> (IP/FQDN):(Port)
Network Connection open -> (IP/FQDN):(Port)
Network Connection close -> (IP/FQDN):(Port)
Network Connection open -> (IP/FQDN):(Port)
Create request receiver: Thread[] from (IP/FQDN):(Port)/IP
Server-Manager connected: Service-Platform
On ServerManager
Remove service[Web-Application Service Provider]: (IP)/(ID)
Remove service[Application Runtime]: (IP)/(ID)
Remove request receiver of (ID)
Remove request connection of (ID)
Remove Service-Platform: (ID)
Regist Service-Platform: (ID)(ServicePlatformID)
Mapping Platform-ID: (ID) to (IP: Port)
Regist network receiver[ID]:(String for identification)
Mapping Platform-ID: (ID) to (IP: Port)
Regist request receiver of (ID)
Regist service[Web-Application Service Provider]:
Regist service[Application Runtime]: (IP)/(ID)
Regist network connector[ID]:(String for identification)
Regist request connection of (ID)
System environment report:
<ServerManagerin install directory>/
The error above means Socket on jvm exists, however, it cannot be connected so delete the socket and create new socket. Every time communication between ServerManager and ServicePlatform happens, this behavior is repeated and the log like output contents above is output repeatedly to the log.
The case to occur this event is multiple physical adapters (NIC) cannot sort 1 session due to round robin failover by teaming of network card.
Moreover, same symptom occurs when not using same physical adapter or same route on TCP connection.
To resolve above event, please confirm settings such as NIC or network devices and take measures such as using same route for sure.
-- Target --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iWP/ Web System Construction Platform/WebPlatform/AppFramework
By teaming of network card, communication between ServerManger and ServicePlatform is intermittently disconnected.