[Target version]
intra-mart WebPlatform
The requirements and setting methods to implement single sign-on to intra-mart using integrated Windows authentication on intra-mart WebPlatform are as follows.
·The terminal is joined to the domain for integrated Windows authentication
·Using IIS for a Web server
·Validating integrated Windows authentication as an authentication method in settings of IIS
·Users on ActiveDirectory are registered on intra-mart
·Matching user ID of ActiveDirectory and user ID of intra-mart
·Using InternetExplorer as a Web browser
·Setting [...Log on automatically] in [User authentication] [Logon] in settings of IE.
How to set up:
1, Modify access-security.xml to point the attached class to /access-security/security-config/user-security/initial-request-analyzer/request-analyzer-class.
2, Place the attached class on ApplicationServer.
*Please use the attached ADRequestAnalyzer.java.
When integrated Windows authentication is used, it is not possible to perform batch processing in the specification of our product, so an additional license of ApplicationRuntime is required separately because ApplicationRuntime only for batch execution is required separately.
Additionally, the following functions might not work correctly.
·Java applet for file upload
·BPW workflow designer
·IM-Workflow workflow designer
·Web service
·External software linkage
-- Target ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iWP/Web System Construction Platform/WebPlatform/AppFramework
I want to know requirements and setting methods to use single sign-on to intra-mart using integrated Windows authentication when using intra-mart WebPlatform.