This event is caused by a bug of the product. We are sorry for your inconvenience.
We are reported that this event occurs when all the following conditions are satisfied.
・ Versions of standard customization module where the event occurs
・ Standard customization module -8.0.7
・ Standard customization module -8.0.8
・ A Linux OS is used
・ An environmental variable PATH does not include an execution command mvn of Maven
A mvn called during ant command execution does not use an mvn command specified in the setting file in the Linux environment.
Set an environmental variable PATH to make a mvn command executable.
[Countermeasure example]
・ Add a bin directory which is under a Maven installation directory to a PATH
・ Create a symbolic link of a mvn command in, for example, “/usr/bin”
The bug has been solved in 2016 Summer.
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