The message like below is output and Resin restarts with "exit reason: HEALTH (exit code=9)".
WarningService: Shutdown: caucho.database.corrupt[****/resin-data/app-0/distcache/data.db] Table[data:6,****\resin-data\app-0\distcache\data.db]: inode block 1ab8 has invalid block code (0) expected (2)
[Occurrence condition]
The "caucho.database.corrupt" message is output when an inconsistency occurs in the internal database of Resin.
This occurs in the following cases.
・When java process or machine is under heavy load status.
・When high volumes of session data are stored.
[Handling method]
In case of recurrence, please consider the following method.
Delete "<%RESIN_HOME%>/resin-data/app-0/distcache"
Delete "<%RESIN_HOME%>/resin-data/app-0/distcache" directory on the event occurrence server and start Resin.
In order to prevent similar events from occurring in the future, please consider the following methods.
◆Disable session_store of resin.properties(false)
A load of the writing of session information is reduced by setting the following. <Example setting of resin.properties>
session_store : false
However, session failover will not be operated if session_store is disabled.
If you want to disable session_store and take advantage of the use session failover, please consider using the session management module.
■Session Management Module
◆Update to the latest version of Resin
The internal database of Resin has been improved with each version, so it is recommended to use a higher version.
For updates to higher versions, please refer to the FAQ below.
■Is it possible to use a higher version of Resin that is not included in the product support?
https://product.intra-mart.support/hc/ja/articles/360019552274 (Japanese)
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