This symptom occurs when UTF-8 is specified to a file.encoding property from such as a jvm_args option of <%RESIN_HOME%/conf/resin.properties> on the Resin environment on a Windows server.
This setting is set as default in intra-mart Accel Platform 2015 Summer (karen) - 8.0.11 or later versions.
Garbling can be solved by the following method when you use a Japanese OS.
1. Double-click the juggling.im in the IM-Juggling project to open the editor.
2. Select the “Setting file” in the editor.
3. Select “System log setting” under “Core module” of the list.
4. Click the “Output” button on the right. (After the file is output to the project, the file is opened.)
(If the “Output” button cannot be pressed, IM-Juggling Project /conf/log/im_logger.xml already exists. Please double-click the im_logger.xml. to open it.)
5. Uncomment the following commented out part (<charset> Windows-31J </ charset>) of the im_logger.xml file and edit it to use Windows-31J.)
Before edit
<pattern>[%level] %logger{10} - [%X{log.message.code}] %msg%n</pattern>
After edit
<pattern>[%level] %logger{10} - [%X{log.message.code}] %msg%n</pattern>
*If you use a Chinese OS, please specify <charset>GBK</charset> instead of <charset>Windows-31J</charset>.
*Please specify a character encoding corresponding to the setting value if the code page of command prompt is changed from default by chcp.
6. Output a war file and deploy it.
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Text displayed on Windows console (command prompt) of Resin is garbled.