If you use XML in the file format when registering/updating data with the import function of IM-Common Master in intra-mart WebPlatform/AppFramework Ver7.2, it is reported to take a considerable amount of execution time.
Execution time can be improved by applying the attached module.
Note) This module uses the external software VTD-XML(http://vtd-xml.sourceforge.net/).
Software must be downloaded separately.
The application procedure is as follows.
1.Make sure to back up the install directory.
2.Stop intra-mart.
3.Copy a folder created by decompressing the attached file (“jp” is the highest hierarchy) to under doc/imart/WEB-INF/classes of ApplicationRuntime .
4.Copy the downloaded external software “vtd-xml.jar” for the classpatch set in ApplicationRuntime.
(Example: doc/imart/WEB-INF/lib)
5.Start intra-mart.
When using this module, the XML file encoding must be UTF-8.
-- Target -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iWP/Web System Construction Platform/WebPlatform/AppFramework