[Occurrence condition]
It occurs when the portlets of the following page types are upgraded to V7.2 in the portlets up to V7.0.
・Presentation Page
・Im-JavaEE Service Framework
・Menu link set
This is because the mapping between the page type key and the portlet name specified in the configuration file is registered incorrectly.
[Handling method]
The event will be solved by executing the following SQL against the database being used.
update b_m_portlet_info set portlet_name = 'imart.PresentationPagePortlet' , entity_id_prefix = 'imart|PresentationPagePortlet' where page_kind = 'pagebase';
update b_m_portlet_info set portlet_name = 'imart.RssPortlet' , entity_id_prefix = 'imart|RssPortlet' where page_kind = 'rss';
update b_m_portlet_info set portlet_name = 'imart.JspPortlet' , entity_id_prefix = 'imart|JspPortlet' where page_kind ='jsp';
update b_m_portlet_info set portlet_name = 'imart.InternetPortlet' , entity_id_prefix = 'imart|InternetPortlet' where page_kind = 'internet';
update b_m_portlet_info set portlet_name = 'imart.JavaeeFwPortlet' , entity_id_prefix = 'imart|JavaeeFwPortlet' where page_kind = 'framework';
update b_m_portlet_info set portlet_name = 'imart.MenuLinkSetPortlet' , entity_id_prefix = 'imart|MenuLinkSetPortlet' where page_kind = 'menu';
-- Target ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iWP/Web System Construction Platform/WebPlatform/AppFramework
Some of the portlets which were registered before upgrade is not displayed due to an error when the portal was displayed.