Company/department import (XML format) of IM-Common Master has a behavior in which the period code becomes completely new even if the company code and department code are the same.
(For the operation of all period import, please refer to IM-Common Master import and export specification "4.3 All Period Import".)
When IM-Common Master is updated, it is linked with the application common master, so when company/department of IM-Common Master import is performed, the listener linked with the application common master is executed.
At this time, the listener has deleted the period of the department of the application common master once.
When the period is deleted, the permissions of the department set in the menu are also deleted, so if you set departments to the permissions on the menu, the permissions for the department that was set are deleted.
Please acquire the appropriate patch from the link below and apply it to the appropriate environment.
http://newsupport.intra-mart.jp/patch/download/patch_info.php?patch_cd=1167 (Japanese)
-- Target ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iWP/Web System Construction Platform/WebPlatform/AppFramework
Permissions are deleted for menu settings after company/department import (XML format) of IM-Common Master is performed.