This is a bug of intra-mart Accel Platform.
This event occurs only on the following version.
・intra-mart Accel Platform 2014 Winter(Iceberg) (Basic application – only in case including IMBox version 8.0.9) The patch is provided to solve this event so please apply it.
Failed in the tenant environment setup at environments including IMBox module.
・In the case of updating from intra-mart Accel Platform 2014 Summer or earlier (not includes IMBox module) version to the environment of intra-mart Accel Platform 2014 Winter (includes IMBox module)
・In the case of updating from intra-mart WebPlatform 7.2 to the environment of intra-mart Accel Platform 2014 Winter (includes IMBox module)
Process to add new ColumnFamily (NOTICES_MEDIA) for notification function to Cassandra server is executed in the tenant setup process which has IMBox (version 8.0.9) in 2014 Winter version.
However, data is inserted to the non-existent ColumnFamily before ColunFamily is added if these conditions are satisfied.
Correct API which is executed in tenant environment setup processing. [Japanese]
[Target patch]
-- Target ------------------------------------------------------------------------
iAP/Accel Platform/2014 Winter(Iceberg)