[Occurrence condition]
When jvm is running using G1GC (garbage collector), a graph of Garbage Collection Time is not displayed.
One of the following case corresponds.
・In the case of using Resin Pro 4.0.56 or earlier versions
・-XX:+UseG1GC java start option is set to jvm_args of resin.properties.
・In the case of using Resin Pro 4.0.58 or later versions
・-XX:+UseG1GC java start option is set to jvm_args of resin.properties (It is set as default).
*In the case of using Java 11 and start option which specifies explicit page collector is not set, it might become G1GC.
It is not displayed because the element of G1GC (garbage collector) is not included in graph of Garbage Collection Time.
Add the element of G1GC (garbage collector) to Resin root folder /conf/health.xml.
The element to add is as follows:
・<meter>JVM|Memory|GC Time|G1 Old Generation</meter>
・<meter>JVM|Memory|GC Time|G1 Young Generation</meter>
Add two elements above to <graph name="Garbage Collection Time (ms)">.
Setting contents after adding are as follows:
<graph name="Garbage Collection Time (ms)">
<meter>JVM|Memory|GC Time|G1 Old Generation</meter>
<meter>JVM|Memory|GC Time|G1 Young Generation</meter>
<meter>JVM|Memory|GC Time|PS MarkSweep</meter>
<meter>JVM|Memory|GC Time|PS Scavenge</meter>
<meter>JVM|Memory|GC Time|ParNew</meter>
<meter>JVM|Memory|GC Time|ConcurrentMarkSweep</meter>
[Handling method]
This will be released with next version, Resin Pro.
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