“id is null.” might occur because of uploading files which are over the setting value of maxFileSize in struts-config.xml.
[Handling method]
The message was modified in intra-mart Accel Documents 2024 Spring (8.0.17).
Please apply the update below.
・ intra-mart Accel Documents 2024 Spring (8.0.17) or later
To solve the problem of exceeding the file size, please change the following maxFileSize setting of <(project name)/struts-config.xml> in "ProjectNavigator".
<!-- ===================================== Controller Configuration -->
Also, restarting server is required if you edit setting file directly.
*We recommend recreating /deploying WAR using im-Juggling when you change a setting file.
iAP/Accel Applications/Accel Documents/2023 Autumn or earlier
Error message “id is null.” is displayed when I upload files.