jp.co.intra_mart.system.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializationException occurs under the following conditions:
・ The session management module is used.
・ A distributed environment is being built or sessions are being persisted.
・ The class instance that cannot be serialized is stored in the HTTP session.
The session management module maintains a copy of the session information on another server in a distributed environment.
It serializes the information in the HTTP session and forwards it to another server.
Also, if session information is persisted in DB, etc., it is serialized and stored in the same way.
This means that the HTTP session must contain a serializable class instance.
Check the error message and make sure that you do not store class instances that cannot be serialized in the HTTP session.
If they are stored, change them to store serializable classes.
In general, we recommend that you consider the following about the information you want to store in an HTTP session:
・ Do not store class instances that cannot be serialized.
・ Do not store large class instances.
・ Do not store more information than necessary.
[Reference Information]
Java API to store in an HTTP session
・ https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/servlet/http/HttpSession.html#setAttribute-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-
Scripting API to store in an HTTP session
・ https://api.intra-mart.jp/iap/apilist-ssjs/doc/platform/Client/index.html#method-set_5
Note that the objects used in script development are basically serializable objects.
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HazelcastSerializationException occurs in the environment using the session management module.