Is there any way to check without downloading the uploaded file in the screen item "File Upload"?
Is it possible to change the process of transitioning to the login screen from the session timeout screen, etc.?
Is it possible to change the transition destination after logout?
HazelcastSerializationException occurs in the environment using the session management module.
In an environment where you use Microsoft SQL Server, obtaining a value table will get the value incremented twice if you use NEXT VALUE from a sequence .
An error occurs when I use the tenant automatic solving function and external software linking module in combination.
DatabaseManager.execStoredFunc method is not recommended in the script development model in intra-mart Accel Platform. Is there any alternative method?
An error message is displayed on the screen when I upload the file using SAStruts. How do I change the maximum file size to upload?
The behavior of Client API of the script development model in intra-mart Accel Platform might differ from previous versions of BaseModule, WebPlatform, and AppFramework (Ver.7.2.x).
When JSP size gets larger, a compile error occurs at execution. How do I solve this?
Failed to upload because the limit is 1,048,576 bytes in the development of SAStruts but it is actually 1,494,415 bytes.
I cannot execute the job because “execute” of the global function and “execute” function in the job program is conflicting in the job program of script development model. Is “execute” of the global function not available?
In the function to display the URL of any Web page in iframe, the entered page is not displayed.
Is the API to obtain Storage’s absolute path available?
There was an announcement on Sep 26, 2019 that support for Seasar 2 is ending, what is the strategy for intra-mart products? (Announced at Seasar Conference on Sep 26 (Sat), 2015).
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