In some intra-mart Accel Platform environments, data inconsistency occurs when IM-Common Master (BloomMaker Version) is used.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
If IM-Common Master (BloomMaker Version) is used in the target environment, data inconsistency will occur.
If data inconsistency occurs, maintenance of the IM-Common Master (user/company/department set/department/position) will not be possible.
[Target Edition/Services]
・ Accel-Mart Plus
・ intra-mart Accel Platform Enterprise Edition
[Target Version]
・ 2021Winter
・ 2022Spring
・ 2022Winter
・ 2023Spring
[Affected Customers]
Customers who do not have three languages installed: Japanese, English, and Simplified Chinese
Example: Environment with Japanese only installed
Please use IM-Common Master which is not the BloomMaker version.
However, once you use the BloomMaker version of IM-Common Master, you will not be able to use any IM-Common Master due to data inconsistency.
To resolve the inconsistency, perform the following temporary data corrections.
[Data Correction]
To resolve data inconsistencies, follow these steps:
1. Be sure to back up your database first.
Setup Guide - Backup and Restore - Database
2. Execute SQL for languages you are not using into the tenant database.
・SQL for deleting Japanese data
DELETE FROM imm_company_post WHERE locale_id = 'ja';
DELETE FROM imm_department WHERE locale_id = 'ja';
DELETE FROM imm_user WHERE locale_id = 'ja';
・SQL for deleting English data
DELETE FROM imm_company_post WHERE locale_id = 'en';
DELETE FROM imm_department WHERE locale_id = 'en';
DELETE FROM imm_user WHERE locale_id = 'en';
・SQL for deleting Chinese data
DELETE FROM imm_company_post WHERE locale_id = 'zh_CN';
DELETE FROM imm_department WHERE locale_id = 'zh_CN';
DELETE FROM imm_user WHERE locale_id = 'zh_CN';
If you are using only Japanese, do the following:
・SQL for deleting English data
・SQL for deleting Chinese data
If you are using only Japanese and English, do only the following:
・SQL for deleting Chinese data
Check the settings below for the language you are using.
Setting File Reference - Locale Master
[Handling Method]
It has been fixed in 2023 Autumn, and we also provide a patch to fix this problem.
Please update to 2023 Autumn or apply the patch.
-- Target ------------------------------------------------------------------------
iAP/Accel Platform/8.0.30 - 2021 Winter
iAP/Accel Platform/8.0.31 - 2022 Spring
iAP/Accel Platform/8.0.32 - 2022 Winter
iAP/Accel Platform/8.0.33 - 2023 Spring