Tenant Management
- ★ Bug in IM-Common Master (BloomMaker Version)
- How can I initialize (bulk delete) IM-Common Master and account?
- Is it possible to prevent the home screen from being displayed when a guest user login to intra-mart?
- Is it possible to automate the registration process for SAML user mappings?
- Is there a way to allow some users to interact with the “File Operations” screen and limit the operation directory?
- In authorization (policy) import, the message, “[E.IWP.AUTHZ.IMPORT.10001] Resource group (xxx) is not registered.”, might be displayed.
- When registering a link to an external site in the intra-mart Accel Platform menu, is it possible to set show/hide for this menu?
- If the authorization resource of the appropriate menu is deleted without deleting a menu, the error “[E.IWP.AUTHZ.DECISION.10007] Resource group is not registered.” occurs.
- Changes of the format settings for the date and time format master are not reflected.
- I was able to check logged-in users on WebPlatform Version7.2. Does intra-mart Accel Platform has the same function?
- Is there any setting to change the font size for the global navigation?
- All the privileges of “guest user”/“authorized user” is banned accidentally in the authorized setting screen and I cannot log in with all users including the tenant manager.
- Is there any way to see the number of users being logged into intra-mart? Does “Request Count” of resin-admin show the number of them?
- Is it possible for a user who does not exist in ActiveDirectory to login via the standard login screen in the environment using Integrated Windows authentication?
- I checked "First login" on the user maintenance screen, but the password reset screen is not displayed when I log in for the first time.
- The maximum number of displayed items can be specified from the Global Navi of the personal settings. Is there any way to deter a user to specify this?
- When you use Mac OS X, the matrix part of the authorization setting screen cannot be scrolled horizontally.
- How to hide “Sitemap” to be displayed on Global Navi depending on privilege level.
- Error “Time zone ID which is not defined in time zone master is specified.” is occurred.
- Why authorization information might not be reflected immediately if authorization settings is updated when access is concentrated?
- How do I prohibit unauthorized users from viewing calendar information?
- If the authorized resource of the appropriate menu is deleted without deleting the menu, the error "E.IWP.AUTHZ.DECISION.10007" occurs when displaying menus such as global navigation.
- Coming soon