The product standard only allows manual registration in the following methods.
・ Individual registration from the screen
・ Import of CSV files
However, since we have an API for the JavaEE development model,
it is possible to realize automation by implementing that as a job or an IM-LogicDesigner task.
Please refer to the following document for APT operating SAML mapping.
■ (im-BizAPI for JavaEE development) Class SAMLMappingManager
Please refer to the following document for Job Scheduler.
■ intra-mart Accel Platform Job scheduler specifications
IM-LogicDesigner tasks that use any Java API can be created by using the IM-LogicDesigner extension.
Please refer to the following document for the details of IM-LogicDesigner extension.
■ intra-mart Accel Platform IM-LogicDesigner Extension Programming Guide - Flow element
-- Target ----------------------------------------------------------------------
iAP/Accel Platform/2016 Spring or later