I cannot execute the job because “execute” of the global function and “execute” function in the job program is conflicting in the job program of script development model. Is “execute” of the global function not available?

 This is because of the language specification. Execute of this is called due to a scope relationship. 

 [Handling method]
 Make sure the scope is different.

 Example: How to define with Procedure
 Procedure.define("foo", new Foo());
  function Foo() {
    this.executeRuntime = executeRuntime;

  function executeRuntime() {
    execute("command"); // global function execute execution

This code can be made possible from job program by doing function definition without job program file. 
Please refer to the API document for Procedure.define. 
A function of Procedure.foo.executeRuntime() can be executed in execute of the job. 

-- Target ------------------------------------------------------------------------
iAP/Accel Platform/All Update

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