If the authorized resource of the appropriate menu is deleted without deleting the menu, the following error occurs when displaying menus such as global navigation because the authorized resource cannot be found.
jp.co.intra_mart.foundation.authz.services.ResourceNotFoundException: [E.IWP.AUTHZ.DECISION.10007] リソースグループが登録されていません。 URI = service://test/test
As a system error occurs on all the screens displayed in the menu, most of the screens cannot be displayed.
Also, when you access the portal in the above state, the error screen will not be displayed and the screen turns white.
[Handling method]
Please do not delete the authorization resource for the appropriate menu without deleting the menu.
(Please do not delete authorized resources used for operations)
If accidentally deleted, please follow these steps to re-register the authorization resource.
(1) Search the following routing setting for the appropriate screen URL, delete or comment it out, and restart the server.
(2) Delete the corresponding menu item on the menu setting screen.
(3) Restore the routing setting and restart the server.
(4) Register the appropriate authorization resource on the authorization settings screen.
Starting with the intra-mart Accel Platform 2013 Summer, a backup feature for removing authorized resources has been added.
If deleting an authorization resource causes unexpected behavior, you can restore the authorization resource to its original state by restoring the backed up files through the jobnet.
For more information, please refer to the chapter "Backup when deleting resources" of "Authorization specification".
*Related restrictions: Please do not delete authorized resources provided by intra-mart Accel Platform.
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